Morrin In Verse: Reading Poetry Workshop
Reading poetry can seem like a daunting exercise, but it doesn’t have to be!
Join us for “This and That: Language Poets Out Loud,” the fifth instalment of our Reading Poetry workshops, where we’ll consider the experimental writing of the language poets, a group of poets who contend that meaning lies not behind but within language, in an effort to answer two simple questions: What are poems made of and what can they do?
The aim of this workshop is to give you the tools and vocabulary with which to discuss, think about, and above all, appreciate poetry.
You can attend the workshop in-person or online. Please email to learn more or to sign up!
Poems Under Study:
“constant change figures” by Lyn Hejinian (recording)
“Wipe That Simile off Your Aphasia” by Harryette Mullen (recording)
“Lottery & Requiem (for Basil Bunting: 1900-1985)” by Maggie O’Sullivan (recording)
This activity is part of the “Morrin in Verse” project, which is made possible thanks to the Government of Canada.