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Video Poetry:
A Workshop with Rachel McCrum

In this introductory workshop to video poetry with Rachel McCrum, explore the relationship between moving image, sound, and the written word.


October 11, 2024
17:00 - 20:00
Event Category :


To register, CLICK HERE.

If you have any questions about this event, please write to library@morrin.org.

Stay tuned for more details!




Photo by Cassandra Cacheiro

RACHEL MCCRUM is a poet, performer, editor, and curator. Originally from Northern Ireland, she lived in Edinburgh, Scotland between 2010 and 2016, where she was the first BBC Scotland Poet in Residence and recipient of a Robert Louis Stevenson Fellowship. Her debut collection The First Blast to Awaken Women Degenerate was translated by Jonathan Lamy and published in a bilingual edition with Mémoire d’encrier in Fall 2020, and was a finalist for the Le Prix de traduction de la Fondation Cole from the Quebec Writers’ Federation in 2022. She is currently working on a new spoken word show on stepmothers. Rachel is the vocalist for noise-poetry group Pigs&Wolves.



This event is part of the Morrin in Verse project, which is made possible thanks to support from the Government of Canada.